Frequently Asked Questions

-Planning & Zoning Issues

(This page is under construction.  Answers provided here are intended to be informational and do not supersede any code or ordinance and  may be updated or deleted.  More information will be posted as new questions arise)

Question:  Can I install solar power or another form of power generation?

Solar update 12/10/2023:  Until further notice, Spring City is pausing applications for new solar connections pending an update to the policy and procedure for application. 

Answer:  This is referred to as Interconnected Power Generation.  Please see out electric department page and our utility info page for more information.  The Interconnected Power Generation forms required for the hookups give some detail as to what is required in the future.  If a customer requests to have solar power that is not connected to the grid they may do so but they must be able to demonstrate definitively that their generation system is not capable of being connected to the public grid.  Power generation units, whether solar, hydro power, or other means, must be approved by Spring City power department, the Planning & Zoning Commission, Spring City Council, and Sanpete County BEFORE installation.  

NOTE:  5Kw is the MAXIMUM amount of solar (and other) generation capacity allowed, interconnected or not.  


Question:  What are the frontage and setback requirements for buildings.

Answer:  The lot size, frontage requirements, and setback requirements are found in the city code in 10-6A-6.


Question:  Can I have domestic animals on my property (other than small pets)?  What are the rules about dogs?

Answer:  The city code outlines the domestic animals you are allowed to keep.   The section of the code regarding dogs is here.


Question:  My home has a septic system.  My neighbor is building a home that will be connected to the Spring City Sewer System.  Does that mean that I have to hook up to the sewer too?  

Answer:  Under Utah State code 10-8-38 Utah State Code, item (2) (a) (i) Spring City has the right to require you to hook up to the sewer if the sewer mains pipe is within 300-ft of your property line.  Under Spring City code the city does require it, not only to defray costs of the system but, more importantly, to protect our precious (and famous!) ground water.    We are currently making strides to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to hook up to the sewer as cost effectively as possible.  In the future we will be contacting those who are affected by this policy.  Until then please continue to use your septic tank in a responsible manner.  


Question:  How do I get an item on the agenda for the Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting?

Answer:  Most of the zoning permits and licenses that the P&Z reviews are now done in office and so they don’t require attendance at a meeting.  If the project is deemed to be one that needs to be heard in a meeting, documentation for the project must be submitted a minimum of 10 days in advance for property research and review to take place.  Subdivision applications and annexation applications must be heard in a meeting.  If you only want to come and ask preliminary questions about a project to get advice on how to start we can put a discussion only item on the agenda for you but no vote or decision will be made until your project is in writing.


Question:  I would like to build a home or accessory structure.  What is the procedure?

Answer:  You will need a Zoning Permit for any new structure you wish to add to your property.  PLEASE READ THE ZONING PERMIT FORM CAREFULLY  AND FILL IT OUT FULLY.  The only exception is structures that are only temporary.  A good example of this is a temporary greenhouse.  A good rule of thumb; if you’re pouring cement for your structure you need a zoning permit.  You will need to fill out the Zoning Permit form, available on our forms page, and gather all the documentation that is required and submit that to the City Office.  Zoning Permits require the approval of the Zoning Administrator in the city office*  Once you have your Zoning Permit approved you can move on to the county level and get your Building Permit.  Zoning Permits are required inside city limits as well as in the buffer zone (also called expansion zone) which extends 1/2 mile around Spring City in all directions.

*If there are any irregularities in the zoning permit application, the Zoning Administrator may recommend that the permit be reviewed by the entire Planning & Zoning Commission in a regular meeting. If the P&Z Commission cannot reconcile the irregularities then appeal to the Board of Adjustment may be necessary.


Question:  Are shipping or storage containers allowed and do I need a permit for it?

Answer:  Shipping or storage containers, like those used to transport goods on ships, sometimes called conex boxes, are allowed but you need a zoning permit for it the same as any other structure you would place on your property.  A maximum of 2 containers per 1.06 acre lot is allowed.  If the property is smaller than 1.06 acres, only 1 box is allowed.  Shipping Containers may NOT be used as a residential structure or be buried.   See code section 10-6A-3 for more information.


Question:  I have 2.12 (or more) acres.  I want to subdivide it.  What is the procedure?

Answer:  You will need to start by reading section 11 of the Spring City Code and then filling out a Spring City Subdivision Application and submitting it to the City Office with the required documentation.  The procedure for the subdivision approval is 3 steps and requires a minimum 3 months to process.  The steps are clearly laid out in the instructions of the permit that are included in the form.  Once Spring City has approved your subdivision you can approach the Sanpete County Zoning Department for their approval and finally recording.  


Question:  I have a city lot that is smaller than 1.06 acres, which is the current minimum size to be a legal building lot.  Can I still build a home on it?

Answer:  1.06 acres is the current minimum building lot size if you are going to subdivide land (1 acre even if subdividing in the buffer zone).  In the past, however, there were times when lots were divided smaller than 1.06 acres and, if the circumstances are right, they can still be building lots.  The timing of the lot split is important.  You must contact the Sanpete County building department to find out when your lot was originally subdivided and then compare that time to the table on page 2 of our zoning permit form to find out if your lot is indeed a bona fide building lot.  Lots that were split outside of the required time period are not buildable.  There are remedies to this problem, such as recombining the lot into it’s original size or requesting a variance from the Board of Adjustment.  Variances are difficult to obtain for this purpose, however.  One very important thing to remember though is that your lot must be able to accommodate whatever structure you plan to build on it using the CURRENT zoning code for setbacks.


Question:  Can I get Spring City utility service in the buffer zone?

Answer:  Spring City handles requests for utility service in the buffer zone on a case by case basis and the decision is based on availability of resources and engineering feasibility.  If service is determined to be available, all infrastructure extensions must be paid for by the developer or applicant.

10/2022 UPDATE:

Water service connections outside city limits are no longer being offered pending a review and ordinance change.


Question:  I want to build a structure that will require sewer.  Can I use a septic tank instead?

Answer:  By Utah State statute, if your property line is within 300 feet of the property line of another dwelling that is hooked up to the Spring City Sanitary Sewer System you are required to use the sewer rather than a septic tank.  10-8-38 Utah State Code, item (2) (a) (i).  Please refer to our city code regarding sewer issues as well.  If you are doing a subdivision, either inside city limit or in the buffer zone, you must hook up to the sewer regardless of the distance or cost.


Question: How many homes can I build on a 1.06 acre lot? Can I have a guest house?

Answer: Spring City is zoned for 1 (one) single family residence per 1.06 acre lot. Rental apartments inside the home are not allowed. A guest house may be built on the property as well but must use the same utility services as the main home. Guest houses cannot be larger than 625 square feet.* Guest houses cannot be rented like an apartment. They can, however, be rented on the short term as an airbnb or similar business. A business license/conditional use permit is required for such use.

01/01/2023 UPDATE: Utah state legislature has updated rules for guest homes and rental apartments in residences. Spring City is updating it’s code to accommodate these changes. Please check back later for more information

*See code section 10-6A-3


Question: What types of businesses are allowed and can I operate one in my home?

01/01/2023 UPDATE: Spring City is modifying it’s code to make us more friendly to businesses, especially home based businesses. Please check back later after we have completed these modifications.

Answer: Spring City has a commercial zone. If you have property or a non-residential building in the commercial zone you can operate a business there. The types of businesses allowed in Spring City are defined in our code here. The process for licensing your business is defined by the code as well. An applicant obtains the business license application and supplies all the required information. The applicant then submits the application and the $40 application fee to the Planning & Zoning Commission via the city office for approval and then the City Council. After the council has approved it you will receive your certificate in the mail and you can commence business.

If you own a home and would like to operate a business there it is, by definition, a conditional use permit, even if the home is inside the commercial zone. The application process for a home business license is similar to that of the commercial license except that we must give your neighbors a chance to respond to your request for the conditional use permit. This is done by sending a copy of your license application along with the required form to your neighbors via registered letter w/return receipt. The neighbor response period is 2 weeks so your request for a permit may not be heard at the meetings directly following your application.


Question: Can I capture and use rainwater to use in my house or property given the drought that we are experiencing?

Answer: Yes. The State of Utah allows the capture or harvest of rainwater for personal us on your own property. Please follow this link to the state’s website for the rules, regulations, and registration information: